在干净且干燥的脸部上,放上平整的面膜,避免覆盖眼睛。保持5-10分钟,然后冲洗掉. 一周最多三次适合所有肤质。
高岭土(消歧,粘土矿物),滑石粉(粘土矿物),十六烷醇(十六烷-1-醇或棕榈醇,从椰子和棕榈油中获得),硬脂醇,单硬脂酸甘油酯,聚山梨酯60,烟酰胺(烟酰胺,维生素B3,存在于许多食品中,包括酵母,肉,鱼,牛奶,鸡蛋,绿色蔬菜,豆类和谷物), 醋酸生育酚(维生素E醋酸酯),牛油果黄油(乳木果油), 玻尿酸(透明质酸,来自骨肉汤,大豆基,淀粉根蔬菜,柑橘类水果,绿叶蔬菜和甘薯), 中国西蒙木(荷荷巴籽油,黄杨,山茱萸,花生), 甘醇酸(羟基乙酸,氢乙酸),蔗糖(葡萄糖,糖),尿素(碳酰胺),柠檬酸钠,苹果酸,酒石酸(来自葡萄,香蕉,狨猴和柑橘),竹炭粉,乳酸(有机酸,来自发酵乳制品), 苯氧乙醇(2-苯氧基乙烷-1-醇), 氯苯醚。
• 消退色素沉着(太阳斑或老年斑),软化、平滑细纹和皱纹。
• 乳酸使皮肤保持水润,让您感觉不那么干燥。
• 定期使用乳酸能改善衰老迹象。
• 它能刺激胶原蛋白的更新,使皮肤更加紧致。
Veronica Bennett –
This is really good mask, it’s doing its job. Skin after this mask is really smooth and without any oils.
Maria Alonso –
This is my favorite face mask. It moisturizes and calms my skin down and even reduces redness
Tallulah Smith –
Great mask, makes my face feel smooth and clean after. I love this mask and recommend to my friends
Lorraine Chase –
Using a washcloth and warm water to take of the mask after rising the face is also helpful. It calms my skin. Face feels so clean afterwards!!
Nia Natasha –
This YOUNG AS charcoal mask is really cleans and exfoliates the skin. Highly recommended.
Julia Robert –
I really enjoy using this mask. This is a nice charcoal mask with exfoliating grains. I only use this once or twice a week, but my skin feels purified and smooth.
Winnie Holzman –
It is an excellent formulation charcoal face mask. This mask is removed easily with water leaving the skin clean fresh and pores appear smaller.
When I was younger it also helped with acne.
Jessautumn –
Favorite pore cleansing mask! Immediately sucks up all the dirt clogging my pores and helps minimize size and redness of breakouts as well.
Harper Skai –
This is amazing. its dry quckly and leave my skin smooth feeling,,,and clean also at the same time and it calm my acne.
Catalina Larranaga –
I love this mask. The first time I used the mask I noticed my pores seamed smaller. After the second time some of the blackheads were gone, yea! Thank a lot.
Anahera Kaipo –
I have to say it is pretty awesome. it is definitely a safe cream to use for acne prone skin.
Leanne Mitchell –
This is amazing when your skin is feeling oily or when you need a deep cleaning.
Sok Chanlina –
I have been using this for 7 months. I have been impressed by what it has not done. I have many allergies and this has surpassed my expectations.
Geneva –
I really like this product. It deals with the acne that pops up out of nowhere and gives my face a nice matte feel. Will always repurchase
Sophronia –
This is a great mask if your skin is in need of some attention. When I first started using this detox mask it drew out a lot of the bad things up and out of my skin so my skin had pimples etc. I kept using it and now all the toxins are gone and my face is so smooth.
Ophelia Smith –
This mask goes on creamy, non-drying and can be used by drier skin types.
Emily Swe –
I LOVE this product. It really helped my blackheads on my cheeks. It also helps control my oily skin
王芳 –
Sophia Nyein –
My favorite masks! Other masks suck all of the moisture out of your skin but this one doesn’t. After using this for a few weeks my skin became so smooth
Chun Hualing –
It’s a fantastic product. I have bought it many times and will continue to buy it, it is simply the best!
Tingting jia –
This is my fave mask. It sucks out all the gross stuff right up to the surface. I put this on for ten minutes, wash it off and follow up with Young As cream
Eloise Andrea –
I’m giving this a 5 because it is such an effective mask at a reasonable price. I have dry / combination skin and from time to time I do get clogged pores and congestion. I put this on for 15 minutes and after washing off I can see that my skin looks and feel much better. Will repurchase it for sure
马语桐 –
我每周在洁面后使用这个面膜一次。 如果你需要一个价格合理的口罩,这个效果很好.
Nathalic Mona –
THIS DETOX MASK completely changed my skin. I’ve been using it every 3rd night. I have acne prone skin but this cleared up my skin up to the max.
I can not rave enough about it. My skin looks more clear, tighter, my pores are smaller and my face more smooth.
Congratulations young as, well done with this product!
Sylvie Maria –
This mask is great. I use a damp cloth to remove it after about 10 minutes. It’s reasonably priced and helps my pimple prone skin
Anong Hathai –
With this mask there is no tingling or stinging. It’s easy to wash off. After a 10-minutes, and then washing off, my skin feels deeply cleansed and feels much smoother
Emma Jhon –
I was looking for something to help reduce pore size and get rid of black heads on my forehead, nose, and cheeks. I have used countless masks that claim to do just that but they only removed oil on the short term. This stuff works! I use this mask once sometimes twice per week in the evening. Totally recommend it!
Iolanthe –
The first time I used this detox mask I rinsed of my face and I could feel an immediate difference. My skin felt more smoother, more refreshed and more healthy
吴欣怡 –
我喜欢这个面膜,发现它超级有效。 我注意到我的皮肤在使用后立即超级柔软。 就质地而言,它比乳液厚。
Wulandari Hartono –
Saya menggunakan masker ini seminggu sekali tepat setelah pembersih saya. Jika Anda membutuhkan masker yang terjangkau yang memberikan, ini bekerja dengan cukup baik
黄梓涵 –
这款排毒面膜彻底改变了我的皮肤。 我每第三晚都在使用它。 我有容易长粉刺的皮肤,但这可以最大限度地清理我的皮肤。
Davinagracia –
Gustung-gusto ko ang maskara na ito at nalaman kong napakabisa nito. Napansin kong sobrang lambot agad ng balat ko pagkatapos gamitin. As far as the texture goes, mas makapal pa ang lotion
杨 一诺 –
这个面膜很棒。 大约 10 分钟后,我用湿布将其取下。 它价格合理,有助于我的痘痘皮肤
Bulawan Garcia –
I use this twice a week and I love it! At the start I had some pimples because this mask draws out the pollution from your skin. Now after just a few weeks my face is so smooth
王佩珊 –
这是我最喜欢的面具。 它把所有的脏东西都吸到了表面。 我把它放了十分钟,洗掉它,然后用 Young As cream
Poppy Evans –
Love this anti-pollution detox mask. It gets rid of the impurities and toxins
Jakushitsu Yuri –
This product worked a treat to rid my face of the nasty pollutant. I love the way my skin looks afterwards. I love all YOUNG-AS products
雨生 –
Megan Wright –
This mask works to really clean your face. I have oily, acne prone skin, and this definitely works to reduce the oil and remove pollutants. I really love this mask
志兰 –
王梦英 –
我喜欢这个面具! 它确实可以清洁毛孔,并清除脸上的死皮和桃子绒毛!!
Charlotte Wangs –
我喜欢这个面具! 它确实可以清洁毛孔,去除脸上的死皮和桃子绒毛! ! 取下它时会感到有些疼痛,但是一旦取下它,我的皮肤就会变得非常柔软,看起来非常透明! 我强烈推荐它!
夏洛特·旺斯 –
我喜欢这个面具! 它确实可以清洁毛孔,去除脸上的死皮和桃子绒毛! ! 取下它时会感到有些疼痛,但是一旦取下它,我的皮肤就会变得非常柔软,看起来非常透明! 我强烈推荐它!
Isabela Rodreguez –
This is a really great mask to use. In my case. My skin feels cleansed and rid of impurities after use. I use it about twice a week and have had good results
Lillian Billings –
I love this detox mask so much! This detox mask removed all the pollution’s from my face. During the first few weeks of use the toxins were pulled out of my skin causing some pimples from the extracting process. After that my skin became smoother than it ever has been. Now after I use it my skin feels so smooth and clean.
Emiliana –
Love this Detox mask. Not only does it gets rid of the impurities, it made my skin so so smooth. Love this brand!!